Whole body cryotherapy

Combining Modalities To Improve Circulation

Many of our clients have found that our services can work in conjunction with each other to help them achieve their desired results including reducing inflammation and improving circulation. Our whole body cryo (WBC) and our Rapid Reboot compression are a perfect example of modalities that really complement each other.

So, what is Chill & Compress? First you spend three minutes in the cryosauna being exposed to ultra-low temperatures.  Next you relax for 30 minutes while wearing our Rapid Reboot compression leg sleeves.

Whole-Body Cryotherapy (The Chill)

Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) provides benefit by bypassing the bodies ability to regulate your body temperature as it would normally would when exposed to cold. It does this in two ways, the first is that the cold you are exposed to is instant and because the duration of the session is a maximum of 3 minutes, your body doesn’t have a chance to regulate the body temperature, so it goes into survival mode.

As you are doing your cryo session, your body pulls blood to your core, where it can protect your organs. As soon as your complete your session the newly enriched blood flows back out from your core and quickly warms you up.

Many will experience an immediate difference in their inflammation and pain and have a feeling of rejuvenation.

Compression Therapy

Rapid Reboot Compression Therapy (The Compress)

Rapid Reboot compression therapy uses sequential compression to improve your circulation and mobilize lactic acid. There are attachments for legs, hips or arms. The leg attachments certainly get the most use, but they are all amazing.

Let’s talk a bit about how your circulatory system works in your legs.  Your calf veins act like a reservoir for blood that is not needed immediately in the circulatory system. When you walk, the calf muscles pump that blood back to your heart. One more reason for you to get out and enjoy a walk!

During a Rapid Reboot session each section inflates, starting at your feet and moving up the leg, it is pushing blood back up toward your heart. A session mimics a deep tissue massage using pressure and short cycle times to push out that lactic acid and enhance your blood flow. During the session you can control the amount of pressure applied by the boots. The pressure should feel firm, but not uncomfortable. With ten different settings, there is a setting for everyone.

After a session many will say it almost feels like they “have new legs” because they feel so rejuvenated.

Chill & Compress

What happens when you combine these two modalities? Basically, they accelerate the benefits that each offer. Reduction of inflammation, improved circulation and helping to move out the lactic acid are just some of the benefits. Are you ready to give it a try? Contact us today to set up your appointment.

Amy Lokken

Amy Lokken is the owner of R3 Chattanooga. After 25 years working in the Health and Safety field for companies like Coca-Cola, Home Depot and Albertsons grocery stores, she fully embraced her passion for helping others feel better and became a franchise owner of Glacé Cryotherapy - the precursor to R3. A dedicated athlete herself, Amy spends her days helping the Chattanooga community feel refreshed, revitalized and renewed through her modalities at the R3 studio and R3 Mobile services.

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