Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

In these times, it seems that there is a lot of talk about our immune system and how to make it stronger. What exactly does that mean? Your immune system is like a gatekeeper for your body. When it is working well it will protect against bacteria that want to attack your body, when it is not working well – it like a door has been left open for anyone to come in. The stronger your immune system – the stronger the door.

Below are a few things you can do to help boost your immune system. Like so many other things, these are best when done consistently.

Factor Probiotics and Prebiotics Into Your Diet

Did you know that approximately 70% of your immune system is in your digestive system? Read that again…. That is huge! Eating foods with good bacteria and using pro-biotics can help. According to a healthline article “making sure our digestive system is in tip top shape can be the key to addressing many of our bodily woes.” Some things that you can do to help with your gut health include get appropriate rest, eat foods that have prebiotics and probiotics. Sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha, apple cider vinegar and miso are examples of foods that are rich with prebiotic and probiotics.

Explore Cryotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy can help strengthen your immune system by increasing your white blood cell count. A study showed that after completing a series of ten whole body cryo sessions there was a significant increase in white blood cell count. White blood cells, also known as warrior cells, can identify and “attack” organisms that may make you ill. It’s pretty cool (excuse the pun) that a short 3 minute session can help to strengthen your immune system.

Learn about the Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, provides anti-inflammatory properties as well as enhances the function of immune cells. Trinity College researchers cited that a substantial portion of the Northern Hemisphere would currently test as vitamin D deficient. The only way to know your vitamin D levels is through blood testing, so that should be your first step.

There are a few different ways that you can increase your vitamin D levels. One is getting out in to the sunshine (Remember to use sun block!). You can also get Vitamin D in foods such as fatty fish, seafood, mushrooms, egg yolks or fortified foods. There are also supplements available.

Reduce Oxidative Stress Damage

NanoVi™ helps to strengthen your immune system, increase your vitality and slow the aging process by helping to repair cell damage caused by oxidative stress.

Let’s talk a bit about cell damage and how it occurs. Cell damage is natural and is going to happen. As cells convert oxygen and glucose into energy, they produce two different types of reactive oxygen species (ROS). One of the ROS is the free radicals, which cause the cell damage. The second type of ROS, the “good” one emits a signal to trigger the repair of the damage done by the free radicals. After their have sent their repair signal, they join with the free radicals to do damage. The NanoVi™ uses a specific electromagnetic wave to create precisely same signal as the “good” ROS. The signal is delivered via water droplets that you breathe in. While the NanoVi™ can’t prevent the damage from happening, it can help repair the damage that has been done.

Putting in a little effort can pay back significant benefit in strengthening your immune system. Find the activities that work for you and plan how to integrate them into your schedule.

Amy Lokken

Amy Lokken is the owner of R3 Chattanooga. After 25 years working in the Health and Safety field for companies like Coca-Cola, Home Depot and Albertsons grocery stores, she fully embraced her passion for helping others feel better and became a franchise owner of Glacé Cryotherapy - the precursor to R3. A dedicated athlete herself, Amy spends her days helping the Chattanooga community feel refreshed, revitalized and renewed through her modalities at the R3 studio and R3 Mobile services.

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